Dzintara Dziesmas

A digital voting platform
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A voting platform that spans across TV, Radio and Web-voting, and unites all of the media in a single home-place. The website was designed with senior audience in mind, and receives more than 10 000 visitors every month.
development / social app / voting system /


AMIGO, an affordable mobile operator, created a TV and radio show to let people vote for their favorite country songs. 


The target audience are simple Latvian people, who have basic computer knowledge.
Our challenge was to get them involved.


If it's easy enough, even seniors will give it a try.


A straightforward user interface, with emphasis on voting, and simple as ABC even for the senior audience.


Following design guidelines from their creative agency we developed a website – digital voting platform. The website provides web-voting and unites the votes from all channels to keep everyone up to date. The show includes telephone voting, web-voting and social media voting on most popular social network in Latvia - through an app we also developed. Additionally a special campaign was held to reach fans, and that required a custom solution to vote directly from this section and add-up these votes.


Great feedback from the fan base, which continues to grow each year.
A satisfied client collaborating with us for 3 years now.
280 000 votes, and more than 10 000 users each month. 
(Which is noteworthy considering Latvia's population of 2 mil.)